Resilience; The Muscle


Something certain is; there is always a tomorrow and this means that like every new day, it comes with its own ups and downs. We all hope for more of the former than the latter don’t we?

However certain things are simply out of our control and simply unfold before our eyes. How then are we to deal with such sudden events? We pick ourselves up again. Yes that’s it. This is what it means to be resilient. Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness, it is also the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.

This quality is very important because you will always come before an obstacle a challenge in the way to achieving your goal, and just when you think you have conquered those challenges, several more look you in the face. This is why you have got to build up your resilience.

How to build your resilience


Mental practice: the central processing unit of the body and the main muscle to be resilient is the mind. I advise being mentally prepared for the good and the bad while being ready to push for to achieve the best. You can do this by regularly saying; “I will triumph, I can do it, I will make it”.

Have a goal: a clearly stated destination is key to staying on track.

Know the importance of the goal: when those challenges show their faces on your way to the destination, there is the possibility to give up, but when you know how important that goal is, you are more likely to stay on track.

Have a detour: when setting a goal, it is only rational to have more than one way to the set goal. When there are obstacles on one path, having a second plan or multiple plans will help you get out of a sticky situation.

Physical preparation: so you are mentally ready, you have a goal and you know the importance of the goal, something else equally important is the state of your health. Hence you have to eat well, sleep properly, and avoid drinking in excess, anything in excess at all.

We need to sort between expectations we have on ourselves that are truly ours, and those other targets that were gently imposed on us by our loved ones and the community we’re from. Pursuing the first fills us with happiness whatever the outcome. Pursuing the second is difficult and never entirely fulfilling.

Also, life is not a shopping list with items we should all tick or we’ve failed, not a ladder we’re climbing and we must reach the top. If we want to be control freaks of ourselves, we’ll be forever unhappy.

They say when life gives you lemons, you make lemonades. Challenges are mirrors that reflect deep sides of us. Like any mirror, our reactions to what we see are vital. The more we overcome, the firmer our muscles become.

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